Yoon Heechang — Rivers
Solo Exhibition

30.06.2021, 1pm — 8pm
at Sokyo Lisbon Gallery

01.07.2021 — 25.09.2021

Sokyo Lisbon is delighted to present Yoon Heechang's first ever solo presentation in Europe. Rivers is a two-part exhibition introducing the artist’s seminal sand river paintings.

Paying particular attention to the environment that surrounds us – both physical and metaphysical – his works are deeply connected to landscape: “representing the land by the land itself”.

The exhibition Rivers introduces his work through a series of paintings made with sand collected along the Kamogawa River and the Seine, including an eight-minute video accompanying the artist work process between the Kamogawa's riverbed environs Kyoto and at the studio at Tama Art University in Tokyo.

Exhibited artists

Exhibited artworks

Kamogawa River #1324 #1325 #1326 • 2018

Sand River Work – The Seine #1406 • 2019

Kamogawa River #1329 • 2018

Sand River Work – The Seine #1407 • 2019

Sand River Work Digital Video • 2018